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How do intuition & releasing resentments
work together to create the life we desire?

What is intuition?

When our four dimensions (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) are optimal, and equally balanced, our clair senses ignite our intuition emerges. We then have an opportunity to co-create and design our lives along with our spiritual team, affording us the ability to experience and live life beyond normal sensory contact.


How does it work?
Our intuition is ignited when our inner and outer power are simultaneously engaged, activating our four dimensions of awareness in a balanced manner. We do not necessarily have to actively consult with each dimension, instead we are able to simply arrive at all-knowing conclusions.  To create a strong flow of intuition, our inner power must be cleared, balanced and grounded; and we must connection directly to our outer power.


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How do we strengthen our intuition?

Developing our intuition requires us to look at each of our inner power dimensions, as well as our outer power. There is no set way to approach each dimension, your order is custom to you.  All four dimensions are connected, so even if we are isolating one to dive deeply, the others will by default be affected positively, too.  


Achieving strong intuition begins with looking at each inner dimension. It's important to explore past and/or present experiences that have caused resentments, in an effort to identify blockages that may be in the way of connecting to our intuition. Once we create space in our mind, heart, body and spirit, we can customize a connection to our outer power and allow it to fill in the space we created after clearing out our inner dimensions.


Let's take a look at our inner dimensions:



Our mental dimension is the first dimension we'll examine.  Here we find our cognitive awareness, rational thinking, and a complex inner working of our mind.  To explore what we are capable of, and believe it, takes understanding and disciplining our thoughts.


Our mind chooses how we see the world; and therefore, perspective is very powerful.  We interpret experiences in our lives and we get to choose what narrative determines the kind of relationships we have, what choices we will make, and ultimately the life we will live.  These narratives can make us or break us.  Often times, when we experience something positive, we are left with a narrative that when we look back, we have pleasant memories.  Just thinking about them brings us joy.  But what about the not so positive experiences?


When we experience something that hurts us, or we encounter someone that offends us, most of the time the root of the pain is caused by a resentment.  The mental dimension is where our resentments hide.  

Resentments are very powerful parasites that completely block us from being our authentic selves.  


There are three types of resentments: surface, significant and seething.  The degree to which your resentment festers determines the level of energy that is consuming the space where your true self wants to exist.  










Surface resentments are ones that can be easily dismissed and forgotten over time; however, if a pattern exists, it can turn into a deeper resentment and also cause behavioral impediments and personality changes.  For instance, if the driver of a car cuts you off and you get angry, you may forget about it the next day.  Yet if drivers cut you off everyday, you may condition yourself to enter a level of road rage that brings out negative personality traits and emotions that could lead to behaviors such as honking, swearing or gesturing that can be dangerous for you and others.  And the danger is not just physical.  When we focus on anger and negativity, we damage all four of our dimensions.  Surface resentments are like gray clouds that can loom overhead, covering up parts of who you were originally designed to be.











Significant resentments are one level deeper than surface resentments.  They tend to also be situational but they draw in a more intense level of emotion.  They can embarrass, challenge our credibility, ruin friendships, cause us to take drastic action, and/or diminish our sense of self.  For example, you may have received an email at work that was forwarded between your colleagues.  As you scroll down the chain, toward the bottom you see a conversation that blatantly discussed your work ethic in a very negative light, and as you scroll up each of your colleagues were commenting in agreement.  Clearly the email was not meant for you, but now you are sitting with it and you are upset.  A number of emotions begin to stir up and surface.  You don’t know whether to cry, scream, or start physically acting out.  And in the end, once all of the emotions cycle through, the resentment is revealed.













Seething resentments are extremely deep and are mostly based on long-term, repetitive abuse or mistreatment, or a single occurrence that was traumatizing.  Many people who endured abuse, especially as a child, have seething resentments they have been carrying for years.  Seething resentments are the most dangerous because they actually change our personality permanently, unless we can uproot it and release it.  This level of change literally can make us believe things about ourselves and others that are not true.  It can also cause us to judge to a level of where we permanently take on negative energy that can affect the type of job we have, the relationships we enter into and the way we see the world.  If someone was mentally, physically, emotionally and/or sexually abused in a past relationship, and they never processed the resentment that underlies the abuse, they most definitely will continue to enter into similar relationships.  A part of them was changed while enduring the abuse and pain, and the space that once was their true self is covered by darkness, and essentially ceases to exist.


We all have these three levels of resentment.  They are very sneaky and require a fair amount of work to uproot and let go of forever.  However, as you process these resentments a miraculous thing happens.  Our perspective shifts.  The more our perspective shifts, the more in charge we are of our narratives, and ultimately the entire quality and direction of our lives.  


I have a proven process for releasing resentments forever, without reliving them.  I have worked with many clients to uproot, dissect and discard resentments that were causing a disservice to them.  I have seen personality changes so significant that after we clear a number of resentments, their lives completely change for the better.  These clients left abusive partners, got promotions or changed jobs, started their own businesses, and repaired relationships.  


One of my clients was estranged from her daughter and never thought she would talk to her ever again.  The pain she was going through was immense.  But after clearing her resentments, she and her daughter are best friends today.  My client was reunited with her grandchildren of whom she never thought she would ever see again. She is now retired and spends every day with them.



The emotional dimension is our second dimension.  All of our feelings reside here, including compassion, empathy and love.  However, we also experience emotions like hurt, pain, suffering and loss.  Similar to our mental dimension, when we experience something wonderful and positive, it increases our energy, our connection to others, and helps us make positive choices.  But when we do not have a pleasant experience, especially when we were harmed, the feelings associated will linger and fester.  They will begin creating the blockages that take away our true self.  In turn, when we harm others, and are not able to make amends for our wrongdoing, we harbor the feelings of regret and guilt.  Here, we sink deeper into the dark feelings that take on a form of their own.  Before we know it, we are not ourselves anymore and we are making choices that do not align with our true values--we’ve lost ourselves, and our capacity to experience true feelings of joy and the blessing of human connection.


As aforementioned, there are two types of harms: harms others have done to us, and harms we have done to others.  Both are equally impactful, but they show up differently within us.


Harms others have done to us usually have a component of resentment, but stripping the resentment-related emotions aside, and solely looking at the emotions behind the harm, we tend to experience dramatic pain. This can literally be felt in the heart.  We feel diminished, defeated, and often times we want to isolate.  In many cases, we lose control and direction around who we are and our values.  That 'less than' feeling begins to shift how we feel about ourselves and we question our thinking, our behavior, and where to go next in life. This can lead to depressive thoughts or a state of depression that again can change our personality and the characteristics we lead with.


Harms we’ve done to others usually comes with a tremendous amount of guilt.  If unresolved, this feeling can literally eat at parts of who we are.  It can almost feel like your heart contains missing pieces or holes.  It is difficult to admit when we are wrong and takes great courage to confront someone we have hurt and apologize or make amends.  When we are unable to do this, we can feel weighed down and ashamed.  We can avoid situations, people and opportunities that would normally serve us.  Emotionally, we suffer when we carry this guilt, and it affects our ability to love and care for others.



You’ve heard many times, “I just have this feeling…", or "My gut is telling me…”. These are physical feelings that are triggered when our brain helps us interpret and make sense of what we are feeling.  We tend to have two primary indicators that our physical body, and specifically our 'gut', uses to send us messages. These two indicators are fear and anxiety.


Fear, our first indicator, is a warning.  Our fear is triggered and acts as a protector. We may feel a burning sensation or tightness inside.  If there is a shady character walking down the street toward us, we may feel something inside that alerts our brain that we may need to choose a different path. 


The second indicator is anxiety.  This may show up as a feeling like butterflies in your stomach.  We can be anxious about future experiences or opportunities and feel a feeling similar to fear, but anxiety can come with feelings of excitement and joy.  Our physical bodies have many other indicators that are telling us something, for instance; have you ever gotten the chills when experiencing a serendipitous moment? Or a tingling sensation when you have deja vu?  Or maybe you’ve felt warm when you are attracted to someone across the room you’ve never met.  Our bodies are telling us something, and when we are detached or we dismiss what it is communicating, we are ignoring our intuition.


I have previously outlined our inner power being composed of our first three dimensions: mental, emotional and physical. Let’s take a look at our fourth inner dimension and our outer power.


The fourth dimension is our spiritual dimension.  I refer to this as our outer power.  When we hear the word “outer” we think of something separate of ourselves, but in fact this power isn’t really separate at the core.  It is, however, a force of energy that is bigger and stronger than we are as humans.  For instance, do humans make food come up out of the ground?  Do we make the sun set at night?  Although science has an answer for these questions, and many spiritualists have their opinion that we as humans, are simply not capable of certain things.  Therefore, we can define a certain separation of power in this way.


Is it possible that when we were conceived, a small part of our outer power was implanted?  Some people may call this our spirit, hence the term 'spiritual' when talking about our fourth dimension.  If we entertain this to be true, then we have a part of this power inside of us, powering us.  But as we grow and experience the world and the people in our lives, we can become cluttered with resentments and the emotions around harms that have been done, and we begin to be affected by fear and anxiety.  For many, these experiences, and all that is attached, become blockages that prevent our spirit from shining through and our connection with our outer power.  In order for us to become restored to our originally intended design, we must actively clear anything blocking that connection. 


The first step to connecting to our intuition is working on cleaning out our inner power.  As mentioned above, we can take inventory then process the blockages in each inner dimension.  Before, after, or simultaneously, depending on our current spiritual fitness, we can begin defining and characterizing our spiritual dimension, our outer power.  This is an exercise unique to each individual.  


If you came from a religious background, if you’ve dabbled in spiritual programs, or you struggle with believing in an outer power; you can customize a journey to explore how this power loves you, cares for you, supports you, and provides for you unconditionally.  We get to define what the power looks like, what we will call it, how we connect to it, how we receive from it, and how we give back to it.  This is an opportunity to create a connection, similar to a best friend, that will always be there for you, that you will work with to manifest the things you need and want in your life.  


How do we maintain intuitive flow and balance?

Once we’ve cleared our inner power, and connected to our outer power, this is where intuition really ignites. It is also where we prevent master manipulation from clouding our spirit and taking over our lives.


When we are clear and we allow our outer power to come into us and join with our inner dimensions, we create a channel to receive intuitive powers, which adds a layer of protection from anyone who desires to control or manipulate us.


Some of the more prominent intuitive, or psychic, abilities we can experience are the following:



Clairaudience is an ability to perceive sounds, words, concepts, phrases or actual sentences that are not consciously formed.



Clairvoyance is an ability to see vivid images, usually projecting from the mind’s eye. â€‹



Clairsentience is an ability to perceive information through "feeling", without anything directly triggering the feeling or experience anything directly related to that feeling.  



Claircognizance is an ability to download psychic knowledge without consciously knowing how or why it was received.





































Balance is extremely necessary because when our energy and focus tip too far in one or more dimensions, we can get stuck there.  If stuck too long, it can cause personality shifts and our inner dimensions become clouded again.  


Many of us would think leaning into our spiritual dimension is the goal of life.  Most of us love learning more about spirituality and want to become more spiritual.  However, if we elevate too high in our spiritual dimension, we can open channels to where we begin blending the lines of our inner and outer power.  There is a separation for a reason and we should honor that we are limited to our physical selves.  


It is important to remember that each dimension should remain in an equal balance, allowing for natural fluctuation.  You can still work to be optimal within each dimension, but they should balance against one another allowing your intuition to naturally flow without struggle.


When will my work be done?

We’ve discussed why releasing resentments to arrive at an intuitive balance is so important, but maintenance is critical.


If we do tremendous work to clear out our inner power and connect to our outer power, then why wouldn’t that be enough?  The reason is: “there is no destination”. We may feel a great sense of accomplishment after putting in all the hard work to rearrange ourselves back to who we were when originally designed, where we feel we are the best version(s) of ourselves; but if we believe “we have arrived”, this thinking is the beginning of our fall.


There will be drivers that cut you off, there will be people who hurt your feelings, and there will be things you want to accomplish that you feel you can’t because you are experiencing fear or anxiety.  You will most certainly encounter blockages daily, and if we do not take inventory of what those blockages are on a routine basis; we may have to do all the hard work of clearing out our inner power and connecting to our outer power all over again.  It is a lot easier to maintain what we’ve worked so hard for, with a daily practice that allows us to process our experiences and related feeling in real time.


If you are interested in learning how to clear your blockages, connect to your spiritual dimension, and develop strong intuition that powers your life; consider working with me, and begin experiencing the freedom felt when resentments are released, and you are living the life you've always desired.

This ability in a coaching session allows us to trust that we will hear what we need to in order to move our clients forward.  We no longer have to search for questions, they just poetically and timely “arrive”.


This ability when working with clients is most helpful when we want to communicate an analogy or metaphor that will help show a different perspective or relatable example your client may not otherwise be able to comprehend.

The benefit to experiencing clairsentience when working with our clients is that if we are able to create intuitively grounded boundaries between ourselves and our clients–and limit the client’s energy from penetrating these boundaries–we avoid creating enshement, and are able to coach from an objective and appropriately supportive place.


When our clients' outer power has an opportunity to connect with our outer power as coaches, clients tend to experience massive breakthroughs, where they gain deep insight into who they are and their purpose. 



| Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation  

| Certified Professional Coach (CPC), Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching

| Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching

| Owner, Release Resentments LLC

| Release Resentments Master Practitioner (RR-MP)

| Creator, Release Resentment Certification Process (ICF Accredited) 
| Member, International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Host, Transforming Today Show

| Master of Music, Performance, New England Conservatory

| Bachelor of Music, Performance, Berklee College of Music

Green Water

“My intuition is becoming sharper and more easily accessed.”


"I have been working with Rebekah for two years, and it’s been an amazing journey so far. We’ve done really deep resentment work releasing a lot of old energy around events and people from my past. Her approach is very unique and customized, and she always knows exactly how to get right to the heart of an issue in an empathetic and compassionate way. Her intuition is  spot on, and because of the work I’ve done with her, my intuition is becoming sharper and more easily accessed. I always look forward to my sessions with her, they’re not only rewarding on every level, they’re a lot of fun!" 


Leslie Eissing, Professional Coach


Accreditations & Affiliations

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