Private sessions for individuals or couples (not limited to romantic relationships). Sessions may include resentment processing and general life coaching, with subject matter determined by the client. It is recommended that a new client begins with one session; however, all packages can be considered and customized for a client’s needs.
1 Session | 60-120 minutes
6 Sessions | 60-90 minutes per session
1 Year (45 sessions) | 60-90 minutes per session
"If you are looking for a coach to help you to really dig deep into yourself and shift your mindset with the goal of making monumental changes to your life, Rebekah is the one for you! Rebekah is an amazing listener who hears what is behind your words and is able to feel your energy and detect all that you are resisting and all that is blocking you from moving forward and reaching your goals or experiencing life in a better state of mind. Rebekah is also incredibly talented in helping people work through specific situations that are causing unease, stress or distress. I had a particular situation in which I was unusually overwhelmed emotionally and felt very vulnerable about life in general. Rebekah listened intently to what I was explaining and was immediately able to tap in to what was upsetting me the most and because her intuition about the situation was so spot on, she knew exactly how to help me calm my nerves, open up space in my mind to have more clarity, release the uncomfortable feelings and then come up with a plan of action on how to navigate the situation I was in. It was literally magical and the whole process worked so well that the situation resolved itself beautifully because of the way Rebekah helped me to clear the emotions I needed to release and be to be much more intentional and grounded than I would have been without her support. Rebekah is a true gift."
Ronne Ozgu, Certified Health and Transformation Coach
Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Debriefs
You, and all the things around you, are made up of energy. Your energetic makeup determines how you show up for yourself, and others. The ELI instrument looks at your energy from a tangible point of view, so we can easily determine what areas of yourself you want to give attention to, and how you can show up as the best version of yourself in all areas of your life. With the ELI instrument, we can capture where you resonate energetically from the moment we begin working together. Then after our time together coaching, we can capture how our work has changed your energy and characteristics. You will literally be able to see how your energy has changed over time. An ELI debrief can be a single session, or it can be in place of a session within a coaching package. Click here to read more about Energy Leadership Index.
Bookings for speaking engagements and workshops will begin with a discovery session to set expectations, agree on topic(s), and to discuss all other related details pertaining to the event. Desired topics include releasing resentments, intuition, spirituality, transformation, personal power, and/or inner/outer power balance.
Daily | 8 hours
Hourly | To be determined
"I struggled with developing the identity, confidence, and rock-solid mindset to show up fully in my senior leadership role at work. I chose to work with Rebekah and she has been a remarkable mindset and leadership development coach. With unparalleled gut instincts and powerful coaching questions, Rebekah helped me identify and remove the limiting stories that were holding me captive to fully embracing how I can engage powerfully at work. Through our very deep and provocative coaching work, I was not only able to realize that I had really strong leadership traits, but I also re-captured my values of kindness, growth, and learning, which I am applying every day in the work I do, and with the people, I work with."
Benton McTaggart, VP of Human Capital and Culture, MBA
Resentments cannot be contained, and therefore they are most certainly present at work -- more so than ever. Releasing Resentments in the workplace is extremely effective and transforms corporate culture, executive leadership teams, middle management and employee relations. No longer does a company need to hire professionals that assess areas that are problematic, just so they can add the solution they recommend to the company’s issues. With the Release Resentments Coaching Process, we will assess a company’s issues, uproot them, clear space for creativity, innovation and connection, then assist the company in discovering and implementing solutions that work and are sustainable.
1 Session | 60 minutes
6 sessions | 60 minutes per session
Customized package | To be determined
Release Resentment Coaching
Process (rrcp) Certification
The Release Resentments Coaching Process is an agile step-by-step process that teaches Professional Coaches, HR Professionals, and Therapists how to successfully help their clients release resentments. This tool can be used with clients experiencing blockages rooted in resentment and can be adapted for large blockages unrelated to resentment that prevent clients from moving forward and achieving their goals. This process relies heavily on the ability to sense and interpret energy, lead with intuitive guidance, and use critical thinking skills to capture insights, all which will be strengthened within this course. At the end of this course, with full participation, each student will receive a certificate of completion and will be permitted to use the process with their clients. Coaches who pass a final oral exam will be considered a master of the Release Resentments Coaching Process and will be eligible for consideration as a paid Release Resentment consultant.
11 Sessions | 120 minutes per session
"My business tripled after doing the work with Rebekah in this program. Now I feel more open to opportunities, more willing to say no to things that don't work, and I have a new set of skills to use with my awesome clients."
Lauren LeMunyan, PCC, CPC, ELI-MP
"Rebekah is a truly incredible coach who knows exactly when to ask the perfect question and bring about major, life-changing breakthroughs! Through my work with Rebekah, I no longer “look” for intuitive ‘hits’ when I am coaching, rather she taught me the skill of ‘just being open to my intuition’. This has taken my coaching to a much deeper level and aided my clients in reaching answers to their issues. Both myself and my clients by extension, have gained immeasurably because of her intuition coaching."
Myles H. Smith, ACC, CPC, ELI-MP, CRC
mentor coaching
Are you a coach in school and you’ve been struggling with basic coaching skills and techniques? Or are you a coach who has graduated and you have your coaching skills and techniques down to a science, but you know there is always more to learn? Consider working with me to help strengthen your intuition so you can consistently lead with intuition in your coaching sessions.
Have you heard the word intuition and have been encouraged to use it with your clients, but no one has ever taught you how? When you lead with intuitive ability -- clairaudience, clairsentience and clairvoyance -- your coaching will not just significantly shift your client further and faster, it will transform you as well.
When we lead with intuition, we are simultaneously aligned in our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions. This creates an intuitive flow where we can hear beyond words, can feel beyond normal sensory contact without taking on others’ energy, and we can see visualizations that guide you and the client in each session.
The benefit of having strong intuition is never having to search for a question to ask your client, never questioning the questions you ask, and never inserting yourself into the space designated for your client. When we trust and believe that we are truly a conduit for a grand energy that cares for your client, you, and the personal development you are guiding, we become a master coach.
1 Session | 60 minutes
6 sessions | 60 minutes per session